I dislike drinking water. like really, really dislike it. I do it because I know that I should, but let's be honest, not nearly enough. As a result, I am a fairly dried out person - dry hair, dry skin, just dry all around. So, when at the DC Pride parade, I began to feel the symptoms of being dehydrated, I realized that I had messed up. In an effort to not have to keep finding bathrooms, I had decided against drinking fluids. All day, I had just had 1/2 of a coffee, a pepsi, and 1/2 of a tall frappe. all not so good choices. all not nearly enough to keep me hydrated while standing for hours in 90 degree weather without shade. Thankfully, JL went off bravely through the crowds in search of water for me, which I promptly downed like a person lost in the desert who finally finds an oasis. The following morning, I awoke with my previous blog ( here ) burning on the inside of me. I was tired and yet, still feeling the high of being enveloped in the midst of so many liberated peop...
I am creativity ~ in thought, in word, in motion