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come together

About a month ago, I put this*(pic below) on my car because I desire to live in a world where we can all coexist. One where kindness overtakes lack of understanding, where generosity outshines differences, and where love wins the battle against fear and hatred. I have to believe that most all of us want that same world, but what do our words say? our actions? What are we saying to, or about, those who look, act, speak, believe, vote, live, worship differently than we do? How are we treating them? with the same love that we wish to be treated with? with the same respect? Change comes when WE change - our thoughts, our words, our actions - and begin to BE the world of love we wish to live in!

This was a post that I put up yesterday on two different social media outlets where I share my heart. I knew that it would be better accepted on one of those (5 times better at this writing), but I'm not one to keep quiet about my truth, even when others disagree. That is the true beauty of coexisting, that we may disagree on anything or everything but Love covers it all.

This morning, I checked my emails to discover one from Washington National Cathedral, promoting their online gift shop. Third ad down? Coexist products.

They get it. There are churches out there who get it. There are people out there who get it. They understand that Jesus gave us two commandments that trumped everything that came before that. Love God. Love others as yourself. That's it.

I visited the Cathedral several weeks ago to hear Brene Brown speak, where she gave the sermon and participated in a forum following the service. It was inspiring, from the beginning processional to her final words. Raised in a Mennonite church, I felt comfort in the structure and predictability of the service. It was new to me, but it was so beautiful! The icing on the cake came when the time for communion was approaching and Dean Randy Hollerith said these words, "Regardless of where you come from, or who you are, or what you're about, you are welcome here. And you are part of our family...Everyone is invited to receive communion." (emphasis are mine)

And so I did. And so did the biker couple in front of us. And women, men, and children of various beliefs, various ethnicities, various lifestyles, all coming together, all coexisting for that one moment, all agreeing that our greatest calling, our biggest purpose on this earth, is to love. just love.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines coexist as this :
     - to exist together or at the same time  
     - to live in peace with each other especially as a matter of policy 
 The Urban Dictionary further describes the bumper sticker adorning my car as :
     - a campaign promoting the end of discrimination against all religions, as well as all [types of] discrimination

I don't know about you, but that?, that sounds like Love to me.

He say, "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together, right now
Over Me
also, The Beatles spoke Jesus' language of Love as well!



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