Deconstruction is not for the weak. I use this phrase often because it is so very true. Weak doesn't ask questions because it is seen as disruptive. Weak doesn't rock the boat because it is seen as interference. Weak doesn't leave the fold to explore because it is seen as disobedience.
Weak sits meekly, waiting passively to inherit the fruits of another's labor. Weak swallows down all that rises up against the status quo, effectively becoming quite ineffective. Weak believes that its very weakness is a virtue, a symbolic step on the ascension to those pearly gates.
I know because I have been there. I have done that. I have been weak with a capital W. I have sat down, and shut up, and done my best to be a "good little ___" (fill in the blank with whatever title fits for you that I am currently not living up to - churchgoer? daughter? friend? christian?).
Because I am a lot of things, but if the version of me that you know - or want - is meek or submissive or a conformer or weak ... than I apologize to you for not being the real me around you. Let me reintroduce myself:
I am Sherri.
I am a table flipper, not to be disruptive, but to bring disruption to an institution that has operated for far too long in the comfort of their manipulated existence.
I am searching for a revolutionary Love that looks like compassion, sounds like empathy, that regularly commits selfless acts of radical kindness that benefits the whole universe, not just a select, favored few.
I am standing (even when you offer a chair).
I am speaking (even if you talk over me).
I am here (even when you turn your back. hint: shunning only affects the weak).
I am strong (even when you'd prefer weak).
I am deconstructing (even if I lose everything because in the end, my foundation will be real).
Deconstruction. It's not for the weak.
You can read my other deconstruction moments here:
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